University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown


Before enrolling:

  • New students must accept your admission offer and pay your tuition deposit through the Office of Admissions.
  • New and continuing students must have access to log in through myPitt using your Pitt username and password
  • Access PeopleSoft/Highpoint Campus Experience (CX) through myPitt where you are able to access your academic, personal, and financial information.  Use CX to access various enrollment planning tools, as well.  

Planning course enrollment in 5 easy steps!

Step 1: Clear Holds and Find Enrollment Appointment

Some holds or service indicators could restrict your ability to enroll such as holds placed by the Office of the University Registrar, University Collections, Student Payment Center, or Office of International Services.

Academic Advising Holds (ADV) are automatically placed by the Office of the University Registrar each term for students and must be lifted by a student's advisor or departmental administrator before enrollment can take place.  Contact your advisor or departmental administrator directly for assistance with advising hold removals.

Your enrollment appointment is the date and time in which you will be able to enroll in classes for a future term.  These are staggered throughout a two week period for all Pittsburgh Campus students, and you will be unable to enroll before the time which you are assigned.  To find your Enrollment Appointment, access your PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX Dashboard, open the Enrollment menu, and select Enrollment Dates. 

Step 2: Class Search

PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX

From your Dashboard in CX, select Class Information, then Class Search from the menu.  Enter search criteria and filters to tailor the Class Search to your needs.  In Class Search, you will be able to find course availability for a term, course descriptions, meeting times, and instructor information.  For additional help using CX, visit the PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX Student User Guide.

PeopleSoft Classic 

  • Access Student Center 
  • Select Main Menu > Self-Service > Class Search/Browse Catalog > Class Search
  • Required search criteria: term, campus
  • When you are ready to begin enrolling in courses you found by using Class Search, see Step 4: Shopping Cart. 

Step 3: Enrollment Tools

These enrollment tools are optional to use in the course scheduling process, but serve as ways to assist you in planning your degree and creating a class schedule:

Schedule Builder can be used to help you create your schedule using specifications that you choose.  Add courses to your shopping cart or through Schedule Planner, and have the tool generate possible class schedules, doing the work for you!

  • Access Schedule Builder through the PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX Dashboard and opening the Enrollment menu.
  • You also have the ability to enroll right from Schedule Builder!  Search for courses, build a schedule, validate your course options (for having met requisites or other requirements), and register for those courses all in one place!
  • More instructions for using Schedule Builder User Guide.


Degree Planner is a degree-planning tool for helping students evaluate degree requirement options.  Degree Planner offers flexible “What-If” scenarios and provides a clear visual map to graduation.

  • Access Degree Planner through PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX.
  • More instructions for using Degree Planner can be found on the Degree Planner Guide.

Step 4: Shopping Cart

Store classes you wish to take in your Shopping Cart until it is time for your enrollment appointment.  You can access your Shopping Cart from your Dashboard in CX, select Enrollment, and then Shopping Cart from the menu.

If you've reached the date and time of your Enrollment Appointment, you may proceed to Step 5: Enroll.

  • In searching for classes, you have the ability to add courses to your shopping cart into which you wish to enroll.
  • Perform your search
  • After search results are generated and you find an appropriate class section for you, select the "Add to Cart" option.
  • Shopping Cart Validation is a PeopleSoft feature that allows you to easily prepare for your enrollment and advising appointments.

All you need to do is add prospective classes into your shopping cart (optional) or build a schedule using the Schedule Builder tool.  Once you have a potential schedule built, simply select the classes and click the "validate" button. It will bring you to a screen that shows any potential problems with your selections, such as time conflicts or unmet pre-requisites. Because this feature is meant to be used before your enrollment date, it may not accurately show you if a class will open or closed when you are eligible to register for classes.

This feature allows you to make adjustments to your course selections before you meet with your advisor, allowing you to spend that appointment more efficiently.

PLEASE NOTE: The Validate button will NOT enroll you in classes. You must still complete the enrollment process (step 5) when your enrollment appointment date and time arrives.

Step 5: Enroll

Once your courses are in your shopping cart or in a built schedule in Schedule Builder and you've reached your enrollment appointment, you will be able to enroll.  For more detailed information on the enrollment process in CX, visit the Student Training page and access the Schedule Builder or HighPoint CX User Guides.

Additional Enrollment Details

Enrollment appointments
Enrollment Requirements
Grading Options/Auditing a Course
Full-time vs. Part-time status
Drop vs. Withdrawal Period Guidelines