- Additive Manufacturing Club
This club will emphasize involvement with the additive manufacturing process through projects and hands-on experience with machines.
Project ideas include designing and building a system to recycle bottles into printer filament.
- Gender and Sexuality Alliance
The Gender and Sexuality Alliance is an organization dedicated to providing a safe space for those of all gender identities and sexual orientations to express themselves and find community on the Pitt-Johnstown campus. This club is also dedicated to education and programming to increase visibility of different identities on campus and in the community.
- Anime Club
Have an interest in Japanese Animation? Want to learn more about Japanese Culture? The anime clubs offers members a chance to meet like minded individuals to discuss Japanese culture weekly while helping its members work on projects as they go out to various conventions throughout the year.
- Black Action Society
- Black Action Society was founded in 1968. B.A.S. sponsors a number of programs and activities throughout the year. The group's primary objectives are to:
- develop and stimulate the interests of students on Pitt-Johnstown's campus
- meet the cultural, political, educational and social needs of students
- bowling parties
- guest speakers
- performing artists
- picnic for new students
- Sepia Fashion Revue (annual fashion show)
- skating
- College Democrats
This is an organization established to promote political awareness on the Pitt-Johnstown campus and in the Johnstown community through volunteer activities, sponsoring political speakers and events on campus.
- College Republicans
This is a new organization to UPJ that gets involved with the political process of this nation. We want our voices heard. Debates are held in our meetings during the national elections. We are a voice for college students who believe in family values and small government, and who want to be heard!
- Feminist Alliance
The Feminist Alliance is an organization dedicated to the equity, inclusion and safety of women and female identifying individuals on the Pitt-Johnstown campus. This organization is open to everyone, including male allies. Feminist Alliance also participates in the Its on Us: Week of Action for sexual assault awareness as well as programming for Womens History month.
- Film and Cinema Club
- This organization strives to study and admire the artwork of film and it's effect on our culture and world. We not only look to be entertained by film and cinema but wish to respect it as an art form. We possess the belief that active participation in the film consumption fosters an understanding of the art form, encourages discussion, and awareness and the world beyond the limits of the classroom. It also serves as an executive way to relieve stress and creates bonds between fellows.
- First Generation Club
- The First Gen Club exists to support first Generation Students and to educate the Pitt- Johnstown community and beyond. About the experiences of First - Generation students.
- Greek Council
Advance the general interests of the fraternity and sorority community and the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown at large. This club has jurisdiction of all governing policies and documents.
- Pitt-Johnstown Programming Board
Campus-wide programming of social, cultural and educational programs and activities are provided by the Pitt-Johnstown Program Board.
Programming activities include:
- Films
- Comedians
- Hypnotists
- Craft Nights
- Speed Dating and Relationship Programming
- Trips to college and professional athletic events
- Live music
- Theme nights
- Novelty events (escape rooms, laser tag, etc)
- Support of Traditional Campus Events
There are many standing committees within the Pitt-Johnstown Program Board.
Membership in the Pitt-Johnstown Program Board is open to all full- time students.
By becoming a member of the Board, you have a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and gain experience in leadership and teamwork.
Twitter: @PBUPJ
Facebook: P.B. Pitt Johnstown
Instagram: upj_pb - Role-Playing Games Club
The Purpose is to give the students and faculty the opportunity to partake in the benefits and adventures of role playing.
- Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
A student-athlete advisory committee (SAAC) is a committee made up of student-athletes assembled to provide insight on the student-athlete experience.
- Student Government Association
The Student Government Association is the governing student body at Pitt-Johnstown. It serves as the official representative of the students to the University administration.
Responsibilities and activities include:
- allocating monies from the Student Activities Fee to registered student organizations or student centered initiatives.
- granting or withdrawing recognition of registered student organizations through the Campus Life Committee
- plan and coordinate the PJ Provides Food Pantry
- Assist in the coordination of the major campus traditions with Student Affairs team and registered student organizations.
- Assist administration with various committees and audits of the student experience.
Each student has a voice in the Government through participation in campus-wide elections of Officers and Senators. President, Vice President and Senator-at-Large elections take place every spring (with First year/Freshmen Senators being elected in early fall). Membership is open to any full-time student who meets the requirements and presents a petition containing the appropriate amount of student signatures.
Activity in Student Government Association is not limited to elected members. Students interested in serving in some capacity should contact any Student Senator. Meetings of the Student Senate are open to members of the student body, faculty and administration.
For more information about elections/appointments to the SGA, please contact Elections Chair and Senior Senator, Benjamin Worsnup at btw23@pitt.edu
Here is the timeline for the 2025-2026 process:
Upperclassmen petitions are currently available in G-61 Union and due to SGA in G-61 Union by 5pm on Friday, March 21, 2025.
The election will be online and held Monday, March 24-Friday, March 28. Winners will be announced at the Mountain Cat Awards at 6pm on Friday, March 28 at 6pm in Heritage Hall.
- Student Government Association Office, G-61 Student Union Building
- You may reach the Student Government Leadership by contacting the Campus Activities and Engagement Office at 814-269-7065.
- Veterans United Club
The purpose of this club is to establish a comradery with active and veteran military students outside of the classroom. Members will act as a support group for one another and as a peer resource to assist with the transition to college life. Members required to be active or former members of the United States military.
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