Quick Links: 2025-2026 Housing | Housing Deposits | Summer Housing
Apply for Housing at Pitt-Johnstown
We have migrated to a new housing system, which has significantly changed (for the better!) the housing application process. Please read these instructions carefully and note that you will no longer be completing your application in Pitt Passport (however, you will still need to log into Pitt Passport to be authenticated as a user). The link below will take you directly to the new Housing Portal
Important Dates for 2025-2026 Housing
Housing applications will be available for each of the following groups on the respective dates:
- Current Students (Fall/Spring application) - February 28
- Summer Students - February 28
- Transfer Students - May 1
- Relocating Students - May 1
- Readmitted Students - May 1
- New First-Year Students - May 1
If you are not a current student and will be requesting a specific roommate, your application must be completed on or before July 1.
Fall 2025-Spring 2026 Housing
Housing Application:
Instructions for completing the 2025-2026 housing application:
Go to the Housing Portal: upj.starrezhousing.com/StarRezportalX
Please read the information on that landing page as it contains important information on the housing application process.
Once you have reviewed the information, click on “Login” in the top right.
Click the “UPJ-Student SSO Login” button and enter your credentials to complete the authentication process.
Once in the secure portion of the Housing Portal, click on the “Housing Application” link at the top of the page.
On the “Term Selector” page, click on the “Apply” button in the box labeled Academic Year 2025-2026.
You will now be guided through the process to pay your $150 housing deposit. If your deposit has already been paid or waived, this step will be skipped and you will be taken directly into the housing application.
Welcome Page: Click “Start Application” at the bottom of the page.
Pay Housing Deposit: Click “Save & Continue”
Shopping Cart Checkout: Click “Pay Now.” You will be taken to Pitt’s payment gateway, where you can securely pay your deposit via credit card. If you are not able to pay by credit card, please see “Additional Ways to Pay Your Housing Deposit” below.
Once you are back on the Housing Portal, continue to follow the steps as directed.
StarRez will guide you through each of the steps of the application process.
StarRez tracks your progress. So, if you need to log out and return you will be able to pick up where you left off. As you work through your application, the blue circles to the left will turn to check marks, indicating that you have completed that section. Once you have all check marks, you are finished.
Once you have completed your application, you will receive an email message confirming that you are finished. The email will contain a copy of your signed Housing and Dining Services contract.
Additional Ways to Pay Your Housing Deposits
Your PittPAY “Authorized User” has the ability to log into PittPAY directly from the Authorized User Login button at the top of payments.pitt.edu to make the housing deposit on your behalf. Once an Authorized User selects the Make Deposit tab in PittPAY and pays the deposit, you and the Authorized User will receive an email letting you know that the student must finish the housing application process by logging into the Housing Portal (using the above link).
You may also pay your housing deposit in person or over the phone with the Pitt-Johnstown Business Office. The Business Office is located in 125 Blackington Hall. The Business Office's phone number is 814-269-7040. Deposits paid at the Business Office will not be updated in the Housing system immediately. You will need to wait one business day before completing the Housing application.
Private Room Request Form
You can complete a private room request after you have submitted your 2025-2026 housing application. The request form is available in the new housing portal. Completion of this form does not guarantee the requestor a private room. Each student requesting a private room must have also paid the $150 housing deposit and completed an online housing application. All students should plan on living with a roommate and apply with a roommate during the recontracting process. If private rooms are able to be offered, they will not be offered until after the fall term has begun. Private rooms will be offered on a seniority basis according to the applicant's total number of terms in residence. The private room request for 2025-2026 will be available April 1.
Housing Assignments
Housing assignment information will be communicated to students in late July or early August. This information will include the room assignment, roommate information, and move-in details.
Students under 18 years of age
If you are not 18 years of age at the time you attempt to complete the housing application, you will be required to provide a cosigner for the contract. You will need to provide the email address for your parent/guardian. Your parent/guardian will receive an email with instructions regarding how to co-sign the contract. Once they have done so, you will be able to continue with the housing application process.
Summer Housing 2025
Summer housing is provided in College Park Apartments, which include full kitchens, convenient parking, secure building access, and air conditioning. The application will be available February 28.
General Information
- Current students enrolled for the spring 2025 or fall 2025 term may, on a limited basis, stay on campus without attending summer classes. These requests will be granted depending on availability and individual circumstances surrounding the request. Preference for housing will be given to those students who are enrolled for classes.
- Students will reside in the College Park Apartments and may be housed with up to 4 students per apartment.
- Students remaining on campus outside the scheduled dates for class terms, or who are staying on campus without taking classes, will be billed at a weekly rate or a daily rate, whichever is more appropriate.
- Meal plans are not available over the summer, please plan accordingly. Each apartment features a full kitchen.
Summer Housing Application
Instructions for completing the 2025 summer housing application:
- Go to the Housing Portal: upj.starrezhousing.com/StarRezportalX
- Click on “Login” in the top right.
- Click the “UPJ-Student SSO Login” button and enter your credentials to complete the authentication process.
- Once in the secure portion of the Housing Portal, click on the “Housing Application” link at the top of the page.
- Click on the “continue” button in the box labeled Summer 2025
- The system will walk you through each step of the application process
- When you are at the step labeled “Summer Session Information,” check the boxes that apply to when you will need to be housed. This step will determine the dates for which you will be housed and billed.
- StarRez tracks your progress. So, if you need to log out and return you will be able to pick up where you left off. As you work through your application, the blue circles to the left will turn to check marks once you have completed a section. Once you are showing all check marks, you are finished.
- Once you have completed your application, you will receive an email message confirming that you are finished.
Summer Rates and Dates
Term/Session | Private Room |
Shared Room |
Move-In | Move-Out |
All summer | $4,760 | $4,165 | Fri., 5/2 | Sat, 8/23 |
15-week term | $4,200 | $3,675 | Tues, 5/6 | Wed., 8/13 |
12-week term | $3,360 | $2,940 | Tues., 5/13 | Wed., 8/6 |
1st 6-wk sess. | $1,680 | $1,470 | Tues., 5/13 | Wed., 6/25 |
1st 3-wk sess. | $840 | $735 | Tues., 5/13 | Wed., 6/4 |
2nd 6-wk sess. | $1,680 | $1,470 | Tues., 6/24 | Wed., 8/6 |
2nd 3-wk sess. | $840 | $735 | Tues., 6/24 | Wed., 7/16 |
Additional Dates:
Rate Type | Single Room | Double Room |
Weekly | $280 | $245 |
Daily | $40 | $35 |
Summer Assignments
- Students can move in the day before each summer term/session starts and move out the day after the term/session ends.
- Move-in information will be sent to students by email after registering for summer housing.
- Housing assignments will be communicated to students during the week of spring final exams.