University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown


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The Economics Department at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown develops both students' ability to understand economic concepts and the skills to apply those concepts to the making of intelligent decisions for themselves, in business life, and in public policy. The central goals of an education in economics are to acquire:

  • an understanding of how markets operate, the role of supply and demand, the efficiency advantages of a market system, and the conditions and the public policies necessary for markets to operate well.
  • an appreciation of the usefulness of economic models in explaining the behavior of individuals, firms and governments and in understanding the microeconomic and macroeconomic interactions among individuals, firms and governments.
  • the ability to apply principles of economics such as opportunity cost and marginal analysis to make decisions in a rigorous fashion, when faced with the problems of conflicting goals and uncertainty.

The program also offers study in various policy areas, such as labor law, environmental law, financial economics, and international economics / trade.

Request Information

Guo Kai, PhD
Assistant Professor of Business Economics
Division of Business and Enterprise
122A Biddle Hall
814-269-2963 |