SCED 0010 Directed Tutoring in Secondary Education
Provides secondary education and pre-education majors with tutoring experiences in area school districts or other field settings. Admission by permission of the instructor only. 1-3 credits
SCED 0011 Directed Practicum in Secondary Education
Provides individual secondary education and pre-education majors the opportunity to actively assist a faculty member on teaching or curriculum projects, or the opportunity to work with a teacher in the field as part of, or a continuation of, pre-student teaching experiences. Admission by permission of the instructor only. 1-3 credits
SCED 0012 Directed Study in Secondary Education
Provides individual secondary education and pre-education majors the opportunity to explore in-depth specific topics in education. Admission by permission of the instructor only. 1-3 credits
SCED 0013 Directed Research in Secondary Education
Provides individual secondary education and pre-education majors the opportunity to actively assist a faculty member on research projects. Admission by permission of the instructor only. 1-3 credits
SCED 1100 General Methods
Provides students with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with teaching-learning theories, strategies, and experiences prior to the specific methods course and student teaching. Students well be assigned to area schools to tutor, or observe and conduct mini-lessons. Prerequisite: Admission to the upper-level secondary education program. 3 credits
SCED 1120 Secondary Mathematics Methods I
Introduces students to mathematics teaching-learning theories, strategies, experiences, and issues in mathematics education. Principles and techniques of lesson planning, mathematical content and curricula, academic standards, teaching methods, classroom management, and assessment will be explored and analyzed. Students will also be assigned to an area school for a practicum component which will provide opportunities for observation/analysis of teaching-learning behavior, assessment of learning difficulties, and activities in a typical secondary mathematics classroom. Prerequisite: Admission to the upper-level secondary education program. 3 credits
SCED 1121 Secondary Mathematics Methods II
Continues to familiarize students to mathematics teaching-learning theories, strategies, experiences, and issues in mathematics education. Varied activities of the secondary school mathematics teacher, mathematics curricula, academic standards, resources and materials, differentiated instruction techniques, student-centered approaches, assessment of learning difficulties, and professional growth will be explored and analyzed. Students will concurrently participate in pre-student teaching field experience. Prerequisites: Admission to the upper-level secondary education program, SCED 1100; Corequisite: SCED 1172. 3 credits
SCED 1122 Pre-Student teaching Field Experience- Mathematics
Secondary education mathematics students will be assigned to a cooperating teacher for a minimum of two hours per week for eight weeks for observation and practice teaching in a secondary classroom. Several preparatory, discussion, and debriefing sessions will be held on campus with the university instructor. The course emphasis is on active participation in pre-student teaching activities and designed to prepare pre-service teachers to become reflective secondary mathematics teachers. Prerequisites: Admission to the upper-level secondary education program, SCED 1100; Corequisite: SCED 1171. 1 credit
SCED 1144 Secondary English/Language Arts Methods I
Introduces students to English/language arts teaching-learning theories, strategies, experiences, and issues in English education. Principles and techniques of lesson planning, mathematical content and curricula, academic standards, teaching methods, classroom management, and assessment will be explored and analyzed. Students will also be assigned to an area school for a practicum component which will provide opportunities for observation/analysis of teaching-learning behavior, assessment of learning difficulties, and activities in a typical secondary English/language arts classroom. Prerequisite: Admission to the upper-level secondary education program. 3 credits
SCED 1145 Secondary English/Language Arts Methods II
Continues to familiarize students with English/language arts teaching-learning theories, strategies, experiences, and issues in English education. Varied activities of the secondary school English/language arts teacher, English/language arts curricula, academic standards, resources and materials, differentiated instruction techniques, student-centered approaches, assessment of learning difficulties, and professional growth will be explored and analyzed. Students will concurrently participate in pre-student teaching field experience. Prerequisites: Admission to the upper-level secondary education program, SCED 1100; Corequisite: SCED 1146. 3 credits
SCED 1146 Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience- English
Secondary education English/language arts students will be assigned to a cooperating teacher for a minimum of two hours per week for eight weeks for observation and practice teaching in a secondary classroom. Several preparatory, discussion, and debriefing sessions will be held on campus with the university instructor. The course emphasis is on active participation in pre-student teaching activities and designed to prepare pre-service teachers to become reflective secondary English/language arts teachers. Prerequisite: Admission to upper-level secondary education program, SCED 1100; Corequisite: SCED 1145. 1 credit
SCED 1160 Secondary Social Studies Methods I
Introduces students to social studies teaching-learning theories, strategies, experiences, and issues in social studies education. Principles and techniques of lesson planning, social studies content and curricula, academic standards, teaching methods, classroom management, and assessment will be explored and analyzed. Students will also be assigned to an area school for a practicum component which will provide opportunities for observation/analysis of teaching-learning behavior, assessment of learning difficulties, and activities in a typical secondary social studies classroom. Prerequisite: Admission to the upper-level secondary education program. 3 credits
SCED 1161 Secondary Social Studies Methods II
Continues to familiarize students with social studies teaching-learning theories, strategies, experiences, and issues in social studies education. Varied activities of the secondary school social studies teacher, social studies curricula, academic standards, resources and materials, differentiated instruction techniques, student-centered approaches, assessment of learning difficulties, and professional growth will be explored and analyzed. Students will concurrently participate in pre-student teaching field experience. Prerequisites: Admission to the upper-level secondary education program, SCED 100; Corequisite: SCED 1162. 3 credits
SCED 1162 Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience- Social Studies
Secondary education social studies students will be assigned to a cooperating teacher for a minimum of two hours per week for eight weeks for observation and practice teaching in a secondary classroom. Several preparatory, discussion, and debriefing sessions will be held on campus with the university instructor. The course emphasis is on active participation in pre-student teaching activities and designed to prepare pre-service teachers to become reflective secondary social studies teachers. Prerequisites: Admission to the upper-level secondary education program, SCED 100; Corequisite: SCED 116. 1 credit
SCED 1164 Secondary Science Methods I
Introduces students to science teaching-learning theories, strategies, experiences, and issues in science education. Principles and techniques of lesson planning, mathematical content and curricula, academic standards, teaching methods, classroom management, and assessment will be explored and analyzed. Students will also be assigned to an area school for a practicum component which will provide opportunities for observation/analysis of teaching-learning behavior, assessment of learning difficulties, and activities in a typical secondary science classroom. Prerequisite: Admission to the upper-level secondary education program. 3 credits
SCED 1165 Secondary Science Methods II
Continues to familiarize students to science teaching-learning theories, strategies, experiences, and issues in science education. Varied activities of the secondary school science teacher, science curricula, academic standards, resources and materials, differentiated instruction techniques, student-centered approaches, assessment of learning difficulties, and professional growth will be explored and analyzed. Students will concurrently participate in pre-student teaching field experience. Prerequisites: Admission to the upper-level secondary education program, SCED 1100; Corequisite: SCED 1161. 3 credits
SCED 1166 Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience- Science
Secondary education science students will be assigned to a cooperating teacher for a minimum of two hours per week for eight weeks for observation and practice teaching in a secondary classroom. Several preparatory, discussion, and debriefing sessions will be held on campus with the university instructor. The course emphasis is on active participation in pre-student teaching activities and designed to prepare pre-service teachers to become reflective secondary science teachers. Prerequisite: Admission to the upper-level secondary education science program, SCED 1100; Corequisite: SCED 1165. 1 credit
SCED 1170 Reading in the Content Areas
Emphasizes reading and writing as cognitive processes. Vocabulary development in content areas, reading comprehension, and current reading assessment practices are examined. Incorporates unit and lesson planning, focusing on pre-reading, guided reading, and post-reading literacy strategies. Prerequisite: Admission to an upper-level secondary education program, SCED 1100. 3 credits
SCED 1171 Mathematics Methods
Emphasizes varied activities of the secondary school mathematics teacher. Includes observation and analysis of teaching and learning behavior, assessment of learning difficulties, resources and materials, principles and techniques of lesson planning, teaching-learning strategies, evaluation, and discussion of content standards and reform issues in mathematics education. Prerequisites: Admission to the upper-level secondary education mathematics program, SCED 1100. Corequisite: SCED 1172. 3 credits
SCED 1172 Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience- Mathematics
Secondary education mathematics students will be assigned to a cooperating teacher for a minimum of two hours per week for eight weeks for observation and practice teaching in a secondary classroom. Several preparatory, discussion, and debriefing sessions will be held on campus with the University instructor. The course emphasis is on active participation in pre-student teaching activities. Students will be provided with a list of requirements and expectations for classroom performance. Prerequisites: Admission to the upper-level secondary education mathematics program, SCED 1100. This important course must be taken concurrently with SCED 1171 Mathematics Methods. A grade of A or B in this course is required for student teaching. 1 credit
SCED 1187 Student Teaching-Experienced Teachers
For experienced teachers who need student teaching to satisfy certification guidelines. Specific requirements such as length of term, number of credits, etc., will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Prerequisite: At least one year of successful teaching experience and admission to an upper-level secondary education program. 1-14 credits
SCED 1191 Student Teaching in the Secondary School
Full-time experience for teacher certification candidates in a student teaching center at an area high school or middle school. Provides opportunities to observe, plan, conduct, and assess instruction in the school setting with professional feedback from University supervisors and experienced master teachers. School sites are within 15-20 miles of UPJ; students are placed in established sites only. Open only to secondary education students approved for student teaching. 14 credits
SCED 1192 Secondary Student Teaching- US
Seven weeks in duration, this full-time experience is designed for teacher certification candidates in a student teaching center at an area high school or middle school. Provides opportunities to observe, plan, conduct, and assess instruction in the school setting with professional feedback from university supervisors and experienced master teachers. School sites are within 15–20 miles of Pitt-Johnstown; students are placed in established sites only. Open only to secondary education students approved for student teaching. 7 credits
SCED 1193 Secondary Student Teaching Abroad- New Zealand
Seven-weeks in duration, this full-time experience is designed for teacher certification candidates in a student teaching center at a secondary school in New Zealand. Provides opportunities to observe, plan, conduct, and assess instruction in the school setting with professional feedback from university supervisors and experienced master teachers. School sites are selected in exemplary Auckland area schools; students are placed in established sites only. Open only to secondary education students approved for student teaching. 7 credits
SCED 1195 Secondary Education Student Teaching Seminar
Designed to provide the student teacher with the basic elements of professional development and career opportunities. Emphasis is on professionalism, interviewing, résumés, portfolios, professional meetings, and other appropriate topics. To be taken by secondary education students during the student teaching term. 2 credits